I just open My Documents, fix the window to the size I want, open My Computer, click on the drive I am transferring to, size it, and then drop and drag. If you are just starting, just take the whole folder over. If you already have a flash drive or a RW Disk you can add to the folders you already have there.
I mentioned saving money earlier. As I was going through some files a week or two ago, I noticed I had 2 or more files that were for school, and not only were they the same subject, they were the same topic. Most of these were freebies I picked up, but some were purchases. I also have many free patterns for crafts and sewing I need to put on a Flash Drive and keep with my sewing stuff, I will make a list for these, so I don't purchase one later.
I have tons of things to move and tomorrow my Mother-In-Law is taking my daughter and I for a panty run, we are headed to Sulphur Springs to the outlet stores to stock up on socks, stockings, and yes, undergarments. So, I am off to catch up on laundry, transfer my files, and make a music CD or two for our road trip.
Happy Organizing,
interesting and informative set of posts here!